
Rack Lo4;; di
Place cups and glasses in the rows between tines. Placing them over the tines can lead to breakage and water spots. To avoid
damage to your delicate items, be sure china, crystal, stemware and other similar items do not touch during dishwasher operation.
Load lightweight and dishwasher-safe plastic items only in the top rack.
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One,Hand Adjuster
To adjust the height of the upper rack using the One-Hand
1. Pull the upper rack fully out of the dishwasher. Make sure the
lower rack is pushed fully into the dishwasher.
2. Press the handle downward until it stops. You will hear
2 clicking sounds. This assures that both sides of the rack
are locked.
3. Release the handle.
4. To adjust the height of the upper rack again,
repeat Steps I - 3.
NOTE: If one side of the rack is tilted down, lift the rack on the
side tilted down. You will hear a clicking sound when the rack
returns to level.
Adjust rack height
Level rack
The row of tines on the left-hand and right-hand sides of the top
rack can be adjusted to make room for a variety of dishes.