
Question:Who do I call with questions about gall
assembly or if parts are damaged or missing from my
Answer: Call the Manufacturer's Customer Service
Helpline 8am - 8pm CST, Monday through Friday, at
Question: Can I convert my Kenmore Elite gas grill
from one fuel typeto another?
Answer: This Kenmore Elite gasgrillismanufactured to
exact specificationsandisapproved bythe Canadian
StandardsAssociation (CSA) for LP gas useonly. For
yourownsafety,conversionkitsare notavailable and
anyattempt toconvertyourgrillfrom LPgasto Natural
Gas willvoidyourproductwarranty.
Question: Are the serial and model numbers of my
gall listedsomewhere forfuture reference?
Answer: Yes, thisvaluable informationislistedon a
silver labelfound onthe rightsideof your GAllHead
under the side shelf.
Question: Why doesn'tthe hose and regulatorassem-
bly suppliedwith my newKenmore Elite gallFitthe older
LPgas tank I've used for years?
Answer: The U.S. Govemment regulatesgas appli-
ancesand LP gastanks. Whenever new regulationsare
passedthe LP gastank fittingsare altered. If your
currenttankdoes notfitthe hose and regulator supplied
withyour newgall, the tank isoutdated and must be
Question: What can cause gall partsto rest and what
affect does it have onthegall matenals.
Answer: Rusting isa natural oxidation processand
may appear oncast-iren burners, cookinggads and
steel cart parts. Because yourgall ismanufactured with
heavy gauge steel, rustwill notaffect theshortterm
performance of yourgallor affectthetaste of yourfoods.
The manufacturer can not warrantyagainst rustunless
the componentsare completely rustedthrough.
To protectagainstthe natural rustingprocess,your
cooking gddshavea porcelainfinish. However, dropping,
scrapingor scratchingthese items will damage the
porcelainfinish and allowrusti "i _ minimize rustingwe
recommend you "season" the cooking gads regulady--
before andafter each use. Consistentseasoning will
helpcast-iron resistrusting and will create a non-stick
Question: How do I seasoncast-iron?
Answer: Before and aftereach cookout, applya thin
layer ofcooking oil,spray orvegetable shorteningto
each cookinggad and/or optional cast iron cooking
accessenes. Besureto coat the entire surface including
edges and any areaswith chipped porcelain. Insert the
cookinggads into your warm gall for 2 to 3 minutes.
Question: What is the best way to protect my new
Kenmore Elite gas gall from the weather?
Answer: A good qualitygrill cover should be usedto
protect your grillwhen not in use. Also, follow the
cleaningand maintenance instructionsin this owner's
manualon a timely basis,and your new gdllwill give you
yearsof enjoyment.
Question: Sometimes my gall does not lightwhen I
pushthe ignitor button. Why?
Answer: Refer tothe Lighting Instructionsin this
owner's manual. Also check these common causes.
IgnitorAA battery may need replacing.
Ignitorwires may be loose. Remove the AA
battery, inspectthe Ignitorjunction box found behind
the Control Panel, and connect any loosewires.
Question: Where can I buy replacement parts?
Answer: For the repair or replacement pads you need
call 6 am - 11 pm CST, 7 days a week 1-800-366-
PART (1-800-366-7278). Use onlySears authonzed
parts. The use of any part that isnot Sears authoAzed
can bedangerous and will also void your product
Question: Sometimes I hear a humming sound
coming from my regulator. What causes this?
Answer: The humming noise isactually the gas
flowingthrough the regulator. A low volume of noise is
perfectly normal and will not interfere with the opera-
tions ofthe grill. If humming noise isloud and exces-
sive you may need to purge air from the gas line or
resetthe regulator excess gas flow device. Note: This
procedure should bedone every time a new LP gas
tank isconnected to your grill. For help with this
procedure refer to page 14, step 4, or call the
Manufacturer's Customer Service Helpline, 8am - 8pro
CST, Monday through Friday at 1-888-317-7642.