
Hot Water
To get dishes clean and dry you need
hot water To help you get water of the
proper temperature, your dishwasher
automatically heats the water in the
wash cycle Higher water temperature is
needed to dissolve grease and activate
powder detergents For good washing
and drying, the entering water must be
at least 120°E To prevent dish damage,
inlet water should not exceed 150°E
Check your water temperature with a
candy or meat thermometer
Turn on the hot water faucet nearest the
dishwasher Put the thermometer in a glass
and let the water run continuously into the
glass until the temperature stops dsing
Do not operate the dishwasher during or
right after other heavy use of hot water,
such as for laundry or bathing.
Water Pressure
Water supply pressure must be between
!5 and 120 pounds per square Inch. To
determine if you have enough pressure,
put a 1 quart container under a fully
opened hot water faucet nearest the
dishwasher If the container fills in less
than 9 seconds, water pressure is within
an acceptable range, Be sure all other
faucets are turned off during this test
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Water Conditions
In areas where water is very hard
(12 grains or more), it may be necessary
to install a water softener to assure
proper performance from your
dishwasher. If you do not know the
hardness of your water supply, contact
your local water department or bring a
sample into your Sears store for testing.
Only use detergents labeted for use in
automatic dishwashers NEVER use
laundry detergents, liquid soaps or other
household cleaners in your dishwasher
Some detergents wii! be more effective
with your water conditions than others
Store detergent in a coot, dry place.
Rinse Agents
Rinse agents make water flow off dishes
quicker than usual This lessens water
spotting and makes drying faster, too
Rinse agents come in either liquid or solid
form Your dishwasher's dispenser uses
the liquid form.