
Loading Recommendations bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bO
Place cups and glasses in the rows between tines. Placing them
over the tines can lead to breakage and water spots. To avoid
damage to your delicate items, be sure china, crystal,
stemware and other similar items do not touch during
dishwasher operation.
Load lightweight and dishwasher-safe plastic items only in the
top rack.
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The row of tines on the left-hand and right-hand sides of the
top rack can be adjusted to make room for a variety of dishes.
Fold down the extra shelf on either side of the top rack to hold
additional cups, stemware or long items such as utensils and
You can raise or lower the top rack to fit tall items in either the top or bottom rack. Adjusters are
located on each side of the top rack. Raise the top rack to accommodate items up to 9" (22 cm) in
the top rack and 13" (33 cm) in the bottom rack, or lower the top rack to accommodate items up to
11"(28 cm) in both the top and bottom racks.
To raise or lower the rack, hold the top rack with one hand near the adjuster and use the other hand
to pull out the top of the adjuster. Raise or lower the rack to one of the preset positions.
NOTE: The top rack must be level.