Technical data

Visual and acoustic signaling
LED-POWER:! ! Lights after connection to the power supply
LED-GSM:! ! Flashes: Booked into GSM network, ready for communication.
!!!Constant: No GSM network connection, no communication possible
LED-ARMED:! ! Lights if AlarmManager is armed
LED-ALARM:! ! Lights if an alarm is triggered
!!!MultiSensor-RF / -LAN / -LAN-RF
LED-GREEN:! ! Lights if MultiSensor is powered and function is OK (not in stealth mode)
! ! ! Lights after power lost for around 3 minutes.
LED-RED:! ! Constant: MultiSensor is armed
!!!Flashes: An alarm was triggered
!!!MultiSensor-RF / -LAN / -LAN-RF and AlarmManager
BUZZER:! ! Alternating: Arm delay is running.
! ! ! Delay is depending on configured time in the ControlCenter.
!!!Constant of 1 Second: System has been disarmed.
!!!Constant of 3 Seconds: Arming was not executed - alarms are existing. Please check
! ! ! external alarm inputs on AlarmManager or MultiSensor.
Normal operation mode:
LED-RED:! ! blinking 1x per routine message in case of alarm
BUZZER:! ! 1x short in case of alarm
! ! ! 1x short when pressing the teach-in button (Sensor identification)
Teach-In process:
LED-GRÜN:! ! long blinking: Teach-In process started
! ! ! ON: Teach-In process completed
BUZZER:! ! 1x short when pressing and holding down the teach-in button
! ! ! additionally 1x long after 5 seconds
Normal operation mode:
LED-RED:! ! short blinking: armed
! ! ! OFF: disarmed
! ! ! long blinking: alarm
LED-GREEN:! ! short blinking: disarmed
BUZZER:! ! 1x short in case of alarm
!!!1x short when pressing the teach-in button (Sensor identification)
Teach-In process:
LED-GREEN:! ! long blinking: Teach-In process started
! ! ! ON: Teach-In process completed
BUZZER:! ! 1x short when pressing and holding down the teach-in button
! ! ! additionally 1x long after 5 seconds
Page 11 ! ! ! ! (08-2014, subject to change)