Technical data

Advanced settings - AlarmManager-PRO only
Network Cameras
The AlarmManager-PRO can control cameras in its network to start the recording of a video or picture
(depends on the camera features). Enter the IP-address and the port of the camera here.
Take the command to start a recording out of the cameras documentation.
Enter the command as an URL without entering the IP-address in the command-field (e.g. „/command=...“).
For Mobotix and AXIS cameras predefined commands can be chosen via the pulldown menu.
Check the camera setup by pressing the Kentix-Check-Button in this line.
External Alarms
The AlarmManager-PRO can be extended by additional digital Inputs and Outputs via special Expansion
modules (KIO7052 or KIO7053).
With these it is possible to monitor up to 96 more alarms e.g. air-conditioning-systems, extinguishing
systems, USVs or other alarm detection systems.
For configuration regard the instructions in the „Enhancements“ section and the corresponding Data sheets.
SMS gateway function of AlarmManager
External applications such as Network monitoring systems can send via the AlarmManager-PRO SMS text
messages via the integrated modem. Communication is carried out via the build-in web server and the
HTTP protocol. Following HTTP call is necessary:
HTTP (Port80)
Replace the variables with your data. You can send a test SMS from any web-browser.
HTTP command structure:
AlarmManager-IP! IP address of the AlarmManager (Default
myUser! ! Username (User with access right to send SMS messages)
myPassword! ! Password
0049...! ! ! Mobile number in national or international notation
! ! ! To use the character „+“ in the URL please replace it with „%2B“
! ! ! Exp.: „+49“ replaced with „%2B49“
myText!! ! Text-message with up to 160 characters
HTTP return code: ! 200 when SMS sending was successful
! ! ! 300 when SMS sending was unsuccessful
Page 16 ! ! ! ! (08-2014, subject to change)