Technical data

Kentix AlarmManager Smartphone-App
With the Kentix-App a monitoring and control of a Kentix System via iPhone / iPad or Android devices is
possible. In the following, functions and control of the app are described.
The Profile menu
When starting the app the profile selection menu is displayed.
With the „+“ Button in the upper right edge a new profile is created. To differentiate between multiple devices,
enter a unique name and choose the device type.
Enter IP-address, username and password of the device. The password can optionally be saved. Username
and password correspond to the access data of the web interface.
When the SMS control of the AlarmManager is activated, additional numbers and a PIN can be entered to
switch the system from out of the network.
As starting screen either the Dashboard or the control menu can be selected. To save the profile, press the
according button in the upper right.
The dashboard shows - as on the web interface - an overview of the AlarmManager.
The controls MultiSensors and Server switch to a detailed view, where the corresponding measurement
values and the state of the devices are displayed.
With „swiping gestures“ or via the selection menu in the upper right it is possible to switch between single
sensors / servers. The selection menu additionally shows the general alarm state of all devices.
The control menu displays the list of the AlarmManager‘s alarm zones.
Alarm zones, which the user is not allowed to switch, are greyed out in the overview.
For switching press the desired entry and choose a command in the selection menu.
Pressing one of the entries opens a detailed view. By selecting a filter the logbook can be sorted by different
message types (e.g. alarms or system messages).
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