User Guide

R Language codes (for DVD/DVD-VR language selection)
AA Afar GL Galician MI Maori SO Somali
AB Abkhazian GN Guarani MK Macedonian SQ Albanian
AF Afrikaans GU Gujarati ML Malayalam SR Serbian
AM Ameharic HA Hausa MN Mongolian SS Siswati
AR Arabic HI Hindi MO Moldavian ST Sesotho
AS Assamese HR Croatian MR Marathi SU Sundanese
AY Aymara HU Hungarian MS Malay (MAY) SW Swahili
AZ Azerbaijani HY Armenian MT Maltese TA Tamil
BA Bashkir IA Interlingua MY Burmese TE Telugu
BE Byelorussian IE Interlingue NA Nauru TG Tajik
BG Bulgarian IK Inupiak NE Nepali TH Thai
BH Bihari IN Indonesian NO Norwegian TI Tigrinya
BI Bislama IS Icelandic OC Occitan TK Turkmen
BN Bengali, Bangla IW Hebrew OM (Afan) Oromo TL Tagalog
BO Tibetan JA Japanese OR Oriya TN Setswana
BR Breton JI Yiddish PA Panjabi TO Tonga
CA Catalan JW Javanese PL Polish TR Turkish
CO Corsican KA Georgian PS Pashto, Pushto TS Tsonga
CS Czech KK Kazakh QU Quechua TT Tatar
CY Welsh KL Greenlandic RM Rhaeto-Romance TW Twi
DZ Bhutani KM Cambodian RN Kirundi UK Ukrainian
EL Greek KN Kannada RO Rumanian UR Urdu
EO Esperanto KO Korean (KOR) RW Kinyarwanda UZ Uzbek
ET Estonian KS Kashmiri SA Sanskrit VI Vietnamese
EU Basque KU Kurdish SD Sindhi VO Volapuk
FA Persian KY Kirghiz SG Sangho WO Wolof
FI Finnish LA Latin SH Serbo-Croatian XH Xhosa
FJ Fiji LN Lingala SI Singhalese YO Yoruba
FO Faroese LO Laothian SK Slovak ZU Zulu
FY Frisian LT Lithuanian SL Slovenian
GA Irish LV Latvian, Lettish SM Samoan
GD Scots Gaelic MG Malagasy SN Shona
Error message list
If an error occurs while using the unit, a message
appears. Take appropriate action according to the
following message/remedy/cause list.
“No Signal”:
Start playback on the external component
connected to the AV-IN1 or iPod/AV-IN2 input
Start playback on the smartphone connected to
HDMI/MHL input terminal.
Check the cords and connections.
Signal input is too weak.
“No Video Signal”:
When selecting “APPs” with <USB 1 Wire> or
<Bluetooth> selected as the connection method
on the <APP Setup> screen, video cannot be
displayed. Select appropriate setting as the
connection method on the <APP Setup> screen.
“Miswiring DC Offset Error”/“Warning DC Offset
A speaker cord has shorted or it has come into
contact with the car chassis. Wire or insulate the
speaker cord as appropriate, then reset the unit.
(Pages3 and66)
“Parking off”:
No playback picture is shown when the parking
brake is not engaged.
“Authorization Error”:
Check whether the connected iPod/iPhone is
compatible with this unit. (Page73)
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