Operation Manual

Wash all fruit and vegetable thoroughly before juicing.
Use Speed 2 for harder food items.
Use Speed 1 for softer food items.
To maximise juice extraction place small quantities at a time in the
feed tube and push down slowly.
For best results fruits such as bananas, mangoes and soft berries
are best processed using a blender.
Fruit/Vegetable Preparation Recommended Hints & Tips
Apples & Pears Juice whole 2
To maximise juice
Root Vegetables - Juice whole 2
hard foods
are best juiced
at room temperature.
Pineapple Take 1 large pineapple 2
Process for approximately
and remove the leaves
20 seconds. To prevent
and stalk by slicing
off the
the filter from clogging
top and base.
Cut the clean the filter after
unpeeled and
every large pineapple.
pineapple into
Grapes Remove stalks 1 Process small handfuls
at a time to maximise juice
Tomatoes Juice whole 1 A thick pulpy juice will
be produced rather than a
smooth juice.
Stone Fruits
Cut in half and 1–
remove stone
Nectarines, Plums
Mangoes Remove tough skin and 1 The juice produced will
stones be very thick, so to
increase the flow rate best
combined with other fruits.
Melons Remove tough skin 1 Feed slowly to maximise
juice extraction.
Kiwi Fruits Juice whole 1–
Strawberries Remove leaves 1
Juice whole
Soft berries Juice whole 1
Blackberries etc.
Harder Berries – Juice whole 1
Cranberries etc.
Beetroot (Raw) Remove leaves and 2 Best flavour if peeled
peel and leaves removed.
Leaf Vegetables Remove hard core. Cut 2 Juice extraction will be
Spinach, cabbage to fit feed tube.
very low so best juiced
leaves together
to form with other fruits or vegetables.
a bundle.
Celery Juice whole 2–
Cucumber Juice whole 1 Feed slowly to maximise
juice extraction.
Citrus Fruit Peel and remove 1 Removing the pith will
Oranges, white pith produce a better flavour.
Grapefruits For best results Kenwood
Citrus Juicers are
recommended for citrus fruit.
recommended usage chart
Feed small handfuls at a
time and juice with other
fruits to maximise juice