Owner's Manual

Data Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Book Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Make a call
You can make a call from the call history, phonebook, or dialing the number.
Call by voice is also possible if your mobile phone has the feature.
1 Press to enter Bluetooth mode.
“(First device name)” appears.
If two Bluetooth phones are connected, press again to switch to the
other phone.
“(Second device name)” appears.
2 Turn the volume knob to select an item (see the following table), then
press the knob.
3 Repeat step 2 until the desired item is selected/activated or follow the
instructions stated on the selected item.
4 Press and hold to exit.
To return to the previous setting item, press
[CALL HISTORY] (Applicable only if the phone supports PBAP.)
Press the volume knob to select a name or a phone number.
“I” indicates call received, “O“ indicates call made, “M” indicates call
Press DISP to change the display category (NUMBER or NAME).
“NO DATA” appears if there is no recorded call history or call number.
Press the volume knob to call.
*1 This adjustment will not affect the volume of the other sources.
*2 Press and hold VOL
to continuously increase the volume to 15.
*3 Operations may vary according to the connected Bluetooth device.
Improve the voice quality
While talking on the phone...
1 Press the volume knob to enter
2 Turn the volume knob to select an item (see the following table), then
press the knob.
3 Repeat step 2 until the desired item is selected or activated.
4 Press and hold to exit.
To return to the previous setting item, press
Default: [XX]
[MIC GAIN] [LEVEL –10] to [LEVEL +10] ([LEVEL –4]): The sensitivity of the
microphone increases as the number increases.
[LEVEL –5] to [LEVEL +5] ([LEVEL 0]): Adjust the noise reduction level
until the least noise is being heard during a phone conversation.
[LEVEL –5] to [LEVEL +5] ([LEVEL 0]): Adjust the echo cancellation
delay time until the least echo is being heard during a phone conversation.
Make the setting for answering a call
Press to enter Bluetooth mode.
2 Turn the volume knob to select
, then press the knob.
3 Turn the volume knob to select
, then press the knob.
4 Turn the volume knob to select the time (in seconds) for the unit to
answer the call automatically, then press the knob.
, or select
to cancels. (Default:
5 Press and hold to exit.
To return to the previous setting item, press
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