Owner's Manual

Data Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Book Size: B6L (182 mm x 128 mm)
Alexa is a third party service, therefore the specifications are subject to change without prior
notice. Accordingly, compatibility may be impaired or some or all of the services may become
About Program Type
For Radio Broadcast Data System:
[NEWS], [INFORM] (information), [SPORTS], [TALK], [LANGUAGE], [REL TALK] (religious
talk), [PERSNLTY] (personality), [PUBLIC], [COLLEGE], [HABL ESP] (spanish talk), [WEATHER]
[ROCK], [CLS ROCK] (classic rock), [ADLT HIT] (adult hits), [SOFT RCK] (softrock), [TOP 40],
[COUNTRY], [OLDIES], [SOFT], [NOSTALGA] (nostalgia), [JAZZ], [CLASSICL] (classical),
[R & B] (rhythm and blues), [SOFT R&B] (soft rhythm and blues), [REL MUSC] (religious
music), [MUSC ESP] (spanish music), [HIP HOP]
For Radio Data System:
[NEWS], [AFFAIRS], [INFO] (information), [SPORT], [EDUCATE], [DRAMA], [CULTURE],
[POP M] (music), [ROCK M] (music), [EASY M] (music), [LIGHT M] (music), [CLASSICS],
[OTHER M] (music), [JAZZ], [COUNTRY], [NATION M] (music), [OLDIES], [FOLK M] (music)
The unit will search for the Program Type categorized under [SPEECH] or [MUSIC] if selected.
About HD Radio™ Technology
Adjacent to traditional main stations are extra local FM channels. These
HD2/HD3 Channels provide new, original music as well as deep cuts
into traditional genre.
Digital, CD-quality sound. HD Radio Technology enables local radio
stations to broadcast a clean digital signal. AM sounds like today’s FM
and FM sounds like a CD.
Program Info provides song name, artist, station ID, and other relevant
data to enrich the listening experience.
Emergency Alert delivers critical and life-saving messages to the public
during emergency situations.
JS_KWD_KMM_BT728HD_KN_EN.indd 40JS_KWD_KMM_BT728HD_KN_EN.indd 40 6/21/2019 1:39:04 PM6/21/2019 1:39:04 PM