User Manual

- Clip the other seat support rod to the rear side of the 3rd cross rib from the bow. Repeat the above procedure.
The assembly instructions put the seat in a horizontal position that is comfortable to sit on. For a forward-tilted seat to support
a kneeling position, pull the front of the seat up so the front legs come off the cross brace on the diagonal legs. Move the
forward legs so that they rest on the cross rib. Press down.
Additional seat positions are possible using other cross ribs and mounting the seat support rod in front of the cross rib. We
recommend the following:
14' solo canoe
. Place the seat with rear seat legs on top of the cross rib that is just behind center and front legs on the
seat support rod. Secure as described above.
15' to paddle solo
. Clip the seat support rod to the rear of the center cross rib. Secure as described above.
15', 16' or 17’ tandem canoe
. Stern seat: Clip a seat support rod to the stern side of the 3rd cross rib from the stern.
Secure as described above. Bow seat: Clip a seat support rod to the stern side of the 3rd cross rib from the bow.
Secure as described above.
Disassembly, packing
1. Remove the seats and fold legs.
2. Remove fabric end caps from canoe.
3. Open valves on air tubes.
4. Remove cross ribs by first slipping off elastic bands at the latch clip ends, then lift latch on locking clips and pivot bottom
of cross rib away from locking clip. Release from gunwales.
Note: If the latch clip does not open easily, push the cross rib back into the locked position. Then lift the latch clip end
and pull the cross rib out.
5. Remove longitudinal rods by forming an arc in the center.
6. Remove keel assembly. The narrow stem sections should slide into the keel to reduce the longitudinal tension in the skin.
Step on the stem and lift the gunwale terminator to unclip it from the stem.
7. To remove gunwale terminators, push gunwales apart a couple of feet from the end and pull gunwale terminator out.
Repeat at the opposite end of canoe.
8. Make the gunwales as straight as possible. Fold the canoe skin out of the way at one end and pull the gunwales out. If they
do not slide out easily, it helps to use one of the other longitudinal rods to push the gunwale half way. Then pull both rods out.
If the gunwales tend to pull apart, it helps to bind the connections by making the rod form a slight arc.
9. Fold up all longitudinal rods. Start by folding in the center and work towards the ends.
10. Lay out the canoe skin, bottom down. Fold the sides in towards the center to cover and protect the air tubes. Do not fold
the foam floor. Folding the floor causes permanent creases. Place all longitudinal rods on the end of the canoe skin
opposite the air tube valves. Roll up the skin with the rods in the center. Secure with a strap.
11. Place the roll in the canoe bag to the side with the strap. Pack the other pieces. (One piece at a time is easier than trying to
fit one bundle into the bag.)