Operation Manual

MIDI Implementation
Pitch to MIDI conversion
96 11 0,
Pitch to MIDI switch: enables pitch to midi conversion. Refer to “Pitch
output” section for more information about this feature.
96 12 0...4 2
Note trigger sensitivity: this parameter affects the responsiveness
of the algorithm for triggering a new MIDI note. Lower values makes
the algorithm require a more stable pitch before sending a Note
On message. Higher values makes the algorithm respond faster on
note onsets (lower perceived latency), but increases the likeliness of
artifacts. You can also use NRPN 96-14 to mitigate potential artifacts
while keeping the latency low enough.
96 13 0...4 2
Pitch transition tolerance: affects the way the algorithm handles pitch
transitions between notes, i.e. when the pitch glides from a note to
another. The lower the tolerance, the more the algorithm will consider
these transitions as a discontinuity: it will therefore send a Note Off
to shut down the old note, then a Note On to start a new note after
the transient. The higher the tolerance, the more the algorithm will
consider theses transitions as a glissando: it will keep the current
note playing while adjusting its tuning to follow the input pitch.
Note: you must always have “Note trigger sensitivity” ≤ “Pitch transition tolerance”. By design, it is impossible to
have a high “Note trigger sensitivity” and a low “Pitch transition tolerance” at the same time. Therefore, if you set
one of these two parameters, the other may be automatically adjusted to comply with this constraint.
96 14 0...127 16
Pitch to MIDI level threshold: this parameter adjusts the input signal
level under which no MIDI note will be output. You may want to raise
this threshold in a noisy environment for instance, to avoid unwanted
short MIDI notes to be triggered during silent or low level sections
(consonants). This parameter may also be used to reduce artifacts on
note onsets, in conjunction with NRPN 96-12. The shift amount to 0,
enabling this mode and playing the loop, the developer can tweak the
sensitivity parameter by listening to what audio events the algorithm
considers as the critical sections to preserve. There must be enough
of them but not too many (see warning above).
Note: enabling this mode without being in drum mode will result in
muting the shifter (no beat is detected when not in drum mode, so no
sound will be output)