Operation Manual

MIDI Implementation
Lead voice NRPN
Data MSB Default value Parameter
97 00 0...127 127 Lead level: input voice output level
97 01 0...64...127 64 Lead pan: same as control 10 on lead MIDI channel
Voice transform parameters
97 02 40...64...88 64 Transpose: -24...0...+24 semitones
97 04 0...64...127 64 Formant: formant control
97 05 0...38 38 Tone frequency: low pass filter resonance frequency
97 06 64...71 64 Tone resonance: low pass filter resonance intensity
97 07 0...127 0 Vibrato depth: up to ± 1 semitone
97 08 0...9 0 Vibrato style: 10 different vibrato styles
97 09 0...127 48 Vibrato rate: up to approximately 12Hz
97 10 0...127 100 Vibrato delay: 0…3 seconds
Harmony voices NRPN
Data MSB Default value Parameter
99 00 0...127 96 Harmony global level: harmony parts global level
(same as Control 7 on channel #HC). Acts on all the
harmony voices as a global volume control without
overwriting the independent harmony part levels
(NRPN 99-06 to 99-10). Harmony voice N volume is:
Harmony Global level * Harmony voice N volume
99 01 0...64...127 64 Voice 1 pan. Warning: a Control 10 message (pan) will
overwrite this setting.
99 02 0...64...127 64 Voice 2 pan. Warning: a Control 10 message (pan) will
overwrite this setting.
99 03 0...64...127 64 Voice 3 pan. Warning: a Control 10 message (pan) will
overwrite this setting.
99 04 0...64...127 64 Voice 4 pan. Warning: a Control 10 message (pan) will
overwrite this setting.
99 05 0...64...127 64 Voice 5 pan. Warning: a Control 10 message (pan) will
overwrite this setting.
99 06 0...127 127 Voice 1 volume
99 07 0...127 127 Voice 2 volume
99 08 0...127 127 Voice 3 volume
99 09 0...127 127 Voice 4 volume
99 10 0...127 127 Voice 5 volume
99 11 0...64...127 64 Voice 1 formant
99 12 0...64...127 64 Voice 2 formant
99 13 0...64...127 64 Voice 3 formant
99 14 0...64...127 64 Voice 4 formant
99 15 0...64...127 64 Voice 5 formant
99 16 0...38 38 Voice 1 tone frequency: harmony voice low pass filter
cutoff frequency