Operation Manual

A Registration (or register) is a location in memory where
the MIDJAY stores all relevant information pertaining to a
particular set up. This process is used to speed up the rate at
which one can access the settings for a particular Song, thus
once again saving time between Songs.
Style, Voice
Manual Bass
Bass Lowest
Key Start / Key Stop
Play Mode
Reverb - Chorus - Delay Type and Level
Setting Up and Saving a Registration
Using the points above (Playing MIDJAY’s Voices and Styles etc), set up MIDJAY just the way you want it to
always be for a particular Song or performance and proceed as follows to save the Registration.
1. Press the Registration button (the associated light comes ON). Make sure the Voice button is OFF.
2. Press the Save button and give the new Registration a new name using the Play List buttons (0-9 A-Z).
3. Press the Enter button to save the new Registration File onto the Hard Disk. This File will automatically be
saved under the Registration Folder “C:\Registration”.
4. To access this File later on, press the Registration button to access all the Registrations within the
Registration Folder. Highlight the File you want to load and press Enter. The Player will automatically load
all the setting relevant to the Registration File selected.
With an external Microphone attached to the Microphone input jack at the back of the MIDJAY and the balance
on the side properly adjusted, you can sing or talk as you perform with the MIDJAY as well. If the optional
Vocalizer is installed, you can even add more Voices as you sing with the unit.
You can add effects to your Voice as you perform. These can be adjusted by:
1. Pressing the Micro button on the panel.
2. The left column adjusts the various settings of the microphone (such as the Volume, Reverb, Echo, and
Equalizer settings. Select each one by highlighting with the Cursor key and changing the value with
the Alpha Dial wheel. The right column applies to similar settings for the Vocalizer.
3. Do not forget to press Exit when done and press Save to save this in the Power On Setup File (Machine.ini)
such that when next the unit is turned ON, it will remember these settings so you don’t have to.
4. As you perform, you can press the Talk button to instantly remove or eliminate the effects so you talk to your
audience with your ‘natural’ Voice and no effects.