Operation Manual

F1 Channel Transmit:
This is used to associate a MIDI transmitting channel on the MIDI OUT to each section. The following functions
are also available:
F4: this switches between the Channel Transmit page and Channel Receive page.
F5 Escape: This returns to the initial page of the MIDI menu.
F10 MIDI Setup: This calls up the settings already put in order and saved to use the SD1 via MIDI. The
MIDI Set-up currently selected is also that where the settings will be saved using the SAVE/ENTER push
F2 Channel Receive: This is used to associate a MIDI receiving channel on MIDI In 2 (Keyboard) to each section. The parameters are
the same as F1 Channel Transmit.
F3 Transpose Transmit: The value for each single section identifies the number of transposition octaves applied to the notes transmit-
ted on the MIDI Out.
F4 Transpose Receive: The value of each section identifies the number of transposition octaves applied to the notes received on the
MIDI In 2 (Keyboard).
F5 Filter Tx: Valid for all the sections, the MIDI filters being transmitted are used to enable or disable the transmission of
some MIDI messages such as the Pitch Bend, some Control Changes and exclusive system messages. The type
of message to be filtered is selected using the CURSOR +/- push buttons and is enabled or disabled using the
F10 Select push button. The filter is enabled when the symbol “*” appears next to the MIDI message.
F6 Filter RX: The same as F5 Filter Tx, but dedicated to the MIDI messages received on MIDI In 2 (Keyboard).
F7 Program Change Tx: For each section you can establish whether the Program Change message associated with the Voice in use is
also to be transmitted to MIDI Out. The transmission function is enabled or disabled using the F10 Select push
button. The 2nd/Prog section refers to the Second Voice and to the Program memory, processed as a Single
Voice. The Voice sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 refer to the single Voices of a Program.
F8 Program Change Rx: The same as F7 Program Change TX, but dedicated to the Program Changes received on MIDI In 2 (Keyboard).
F9 Clock SoftThru: The SD1 can receive and transmit the MIDI Clock that is used to synchronise the Arranger, Song Play and the
Sequencer. The function of the START push button depends on these settings. The parameters available are
selected using the CURSOR +/- push buttons and are enabled using F10 Select. They are:
Clock Out: When this function is enabled, the SD1 sends the MIDI Clock to MIDI Out and therefore it can
control the reproduction of external sequencers.
Clock In: When enabled the reproduction controls of the SD1 depend on MIDI Clock inputs received on
MIDI In and not on the push buttons on the control panel.
Soft Thru 1: When enabled, the MIDI Clock received on MIDI In 1 GM is sent back to MIDI Out.
Soft Thru 2: When enabled the MIDI Clock received on MIDI In 2 Keyboard is sent back to MIDI Out
F10 Utility:
SD1 Owner’s Manual