Operation Manual

When you purchase the instrument the Hard Disk of the SD1 bears some Folder which, in some cases, could be empty and are used as reference
for the Master Folder: These folders are safeguarded and cannot be cancelled.
You are maybe wondering whether it convenient to use the Master Folder or not. First and foremost, thanks to the reference folders, if you are
not used to using and organizing a Hard Disk, if you exploit the Master Folder you will save a lot of time and it will be much easier then to find
the files. Generally speaking there are three solutions used to put a number of files in a disk, namely:
- you can create some individual folders for each type of file (very similar to Master Folder)
- you can create some folders relative to a project and add all the files, whatever the origin, that are useful for that job.
- you can create groups of single folders that store just one type of tile but referred to a project.
If on one hand these solutions are all just as valid, on the other some confusion could be created when looking for a specific file, especially with
the last two work methods. This is why we believe that the Master Folder (a folder for each group of the same files) is the best for the musi-
cian who cannot waste time in saving and then looking for a file later. You can naturally proceed as you prefer, but remember with Master
Folder you do not have to worry about having to select the destination folder for the file being saved, as this is done by the SD1! Then conse-
quently the DISK menu too changes and is simplified when Master Folder is enabled.
From an opposite view, namely that of loading a file, if you enable Master Folder you can quickly access the Folder required in a operating envi-
ronment. If for example you are working in Song Play, when you access Disk you immediately call-up the Midi files folder.
The SD1 does not just not end here, as if you should load Midi file, a User Voice bank, an audio file, a TXT file and a Style for a song even with
Master Folder enabled we would have to look for the single files and load them one at a time. SD1 on the other hand has a special feature: the
Registration’s and the Midi files can call-up and load the files required to play automatically, whether they be text or audio files. The procedure
for these automatic functions are described in the sections relative to Registration, Song Play and Midi file, Text File, Audio File and RAM/FLASH
All the functions relative to the hard disk and to the floppy disk can be accessed by pressing the DISK push button.
To see if you are using the MASTER FOLDER function or otherwise, look at the LED of the relative push button, which must be OFF
Press this push button to use the Hard disk: HARD (PAGE -)
Press this push button to use the Floppy disk: FLOPPY (PAGE +)
To exit from the Disk menus press the DISK or the EXIT push button.
The Disk page shows the files or the folders according to the function selected in the middle of the display. Next to the type of disk in use (Hard
or Floppy) you will see the number and the name of the folder selected at the time between brackets. Underneath you will also see the number
of elements whether they be files or folders. The display also shows the type of elements shown using the category division given above.
The files within a folder are to be managed as follows:
The files are put in alphabetical order in the middle of the display. To scroll the list of files use the VALUE +/- push buttons.
To select a file to load it in the memory, to copy it, cancel it or rename it pressing the F10 Select function push button.
To select following pages of files, pointed out by arrows, press the CURSOR +/- push buttons.
To load a file after having selected it using F10 Select press the F2 Load function push button
To copy a file selected from Hard Disk to Floppy and vice versa press the F4 Copy function push button.
To cancel a file selected for good press the F6 Delete function push button.
To rename a file selected press the F7 Rename function push button.
The SD1 works in a different manner when Master Folder is enabled or disabled. In the first case only the Folders connected to Master Folder
can be selected by directly entering the number of the Folder, using the numeric keypad (STYLES push buttons) or select the Folder using the
F5 Folder Choice function. With Master Folder disabled you cannot access the Folders used by Master Folder and the Folders are selected
only by entering the relative number using the numeric keypad ( STYLES push buttons).
The SD1 offers some functions used to simplify the loading procedure: It can show the whole contents of a single Folder, find just one type of
file to be shown on the display when many different types of files are stored, select one or a number of files to be loaded, together with the
typical Load, Copy and Rename controls. The SD1 cannot display the whole contents of the Hard Disk by grouping the files and Folders togeth-
er but only the contents of one Folder at a time. Some functions vary depending on whether the Master Folder is enabled or otherwise.
Below are the functions available on the display:
SD1 Owner’s Manual