Operation Manual

Sound Bank 0
Sounds Desk 0
Modulation Wheel 1
Vocal Glide Tempo 5
Volume 7
Pan-pot 10
Expression Pedal 11
Sustain on/off Pedal 64
Vocal Glide/off 65
Reverb 91
Amount of Effects 93
RPN(Registered Parameter Numbers), NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Numbers), are special controls that are
used to change sound parameters such as, for example, musical entry, release, filter, timbral resonance. Some
NRPN are used to change volume, pan, reverb, chorus, pitch of every single percussion instrument, e.g. drum,
roll, etc. for drum sets. In general, this type of control is divided into three events.
RPN/NRPN MSB (Most significant byte).
RPN/NRPN LSB (Least significant byte).
RPN/NRPN DATA ENTRY (data) (see midi implementation in the Instructions Handbook for more details).
Every event that is recorded by the sequencer is associated with the temporal position in which the event was
“seized” (see EDIT menu), represented in bars, bar quarters, steps per quarter. Notes are also associated with
their duration, which is given by the difference in the amount of time elapsing between the On note (depressed
key) and the Off note (released key).
Recording: Once recording is switched on by pressing the F2 button, every midi event is recorded on the selec-
ted track, regardless of the event output channel. Thus, events coming from any channel can be recorded on
one single track (therefore, do not confuse track with midi channel). For example, if a style is recorded on track
01, when track 01 is played back, all the parts of the style will play because each one of them is associated with
a midi channel (see MIDI FILTER function). To select only one or some parts of a style, the midi-in channel of
those parts that are not to be recorded must be “shut” (see MIDI FILTER function). If a style is recorded inter-
nally or by using the midi plug In 2 (Keyb), the channels are the ones set in the MIDI Channel Tx menu (see
Instructions Handbook). Instead, if recording is made from the midi 1 (GM), the channels are those set in the
General Midi Chan Rx menu(see Instructions Handbook).
Summarizing, in order to record a track:
From the MIDI FILTER menu, close the in-coming channels that you do not want to record.
Use Page <> or Cursor <> buttons to select the track you want to record.
Set the channel of the track you want to record on All, so that you can playback what you recorded.
Select the recording mode Overdub/Replace as already described.
Set SYNCSTART on On or Off as already described.
Determine the initial recording position.
Press F2 to start recording.
At this point, you may start playing: every midi event will be recorded.
Press F2 again to stop recording.
How to play back recorded tracks:
It is possible to playback during recording whatever was previously recorded. If, instead you simply want to play
back, you need to press the Seq. Play (Save/Enter) button. Playback will start from the set POSITION. Note. The
POSITION can be brought back rapidly to [1 1 1] by pressing the Value -/+ buttons together, even without selec-
ting the box. In order to playback the track on a channel that is different from the recorded one, you will have
to work on the column [Chan.] that is to the right of the recorded track. Be careful, though, because if several
midi channels were recorded and you enter values that are different from All, all the events will play on the
same playback channel, thus generating unwanted effects.
MUTE: It switches off the selected track. After selecting a track, it is switched off (no event is reproduced) by pressing
F9 (MUTE); pressing F9 once more will switch it on again.
SOLO: Allows you to switch off all tracks except the one in Solo. After selecting a track, it is put in solo by pressing F10
(SOLO); pressing F10 again will remove the solo.
NOTE. Only one track at a time can be in solo.
SD1 Owner’s Manual