Operation Manual

Owner’s Manual SD1
Up to this stage you can use the microphone with Reverb voice, the effects of which can be modified as desired. The characteristics of the
Vocalizer of the SD1 are such to enable its use in various contexts. First and foremost the SD1 is capable of acknowledging the pitch of the note
that you are singing so that it can be harmonized naturally. This function however depends on the operating mode chosen for the Vocalizer.
You can harmonize the voice according to the chords played on the left part of the keyboard or, in Pianist mode, along the whole keyboard.
This method of acknowledging the notes by the Vocalizer is called Automatic Chord and includes the identification of the note sung in the
You can harmonize the voice according to the notes that you will play directly on the right part of the keyboard, with the Keyboard Harmony
method where the note sung has no effect. The notes added do indeed depend only on the notes played on the keyboard.
You can use a dedicated track of a Midi file, compatible with the Vocalizer in MIDI mode, to control the harmonization.
You can use the Vocalizer as a normal Pitch Shifter, where the interval of the note generated is always fixed and depending on the note
sung in Fixed Interval mode.
You can use the Vocalizer as an effects processor to create special effects with the voice, in Vocal Effect mode.
With the microphone in use on Micro 1, press this push button: VOCALIZER ON/OFF
To enable a different mode to that set as default, select it using the function F3 MODES push button
A list with the settings programmed will appear in the centre of the display. To select one use the CURSOR +/- push buttons
To disable the Vocalizer, press this push button: VOCALIZER ON/OFF
To return to the main page press the EXIT push button
To simplify the choice of the operational mode when playing live, when the Vocalizer is in use you can immediately call up the Harmony Right
settings, which belong to the Keyboard Harmony mode using the A and C push buttons and Unison, relative to the Fixed Interval mode using
the B and D push buttons.
The SD1 also automatically acknowledges the track of the Midi file dedicated to the Vocalizer and enables it as soon as you start reproducing.
When reproducing however it is important not to touch the A, B, C and D push buttons otherwise the Vocalizer will disable the MIDI mode rela-
tive to the Midi file and will enable that associated to one of the push buttons.
As you will see, there are obviously many other parameters, but to start working well these few notions are sufficient.
Further information is provided in the following sections:
- Vocalizer
- Power On Setup
- Registration
- Microphone
Ketron has reserved a dedicated menu for the connection of accordions equipped with MIDI interface, which must exploit the MIDI In 2 input. To
reach the parameters required, from the main page shown on the display, access F3 UTILITY and from this page select F6 ACCORDION. Various
parameters to be modified are offered here. The most important however is the enabling of the MIDI accordion that is achieved by pressing F10
that switches from Inactive to Active. If you already own a MIDI accordion you most probably already know most of the parameters provided.
In any event the default settings should work efficiently with almost all types of MIDI accordions. It is important to remember that if your MIDI
accordion seems not to work you most probably have to work on the coincidence of the MIDI channels, which are accessed using the F6 MIDI