Operation Manual

From the initial page of the Sampler MSP menu you can access the creation function of a Multi-sample. The parameters available are the same
as those for F4 MSP Edit, which calls up the same parameters but with a Multi-sample already loaded in RAM. The purpose in both cases is
that of arranging a sample in a portion of keyboard identified by the starting and range ending note, even overlapped, of defining the relative
volume and the tuning compared to a reference note and of cancelling a sample.
When the F5 MSP New function is used, to be able to create a completely new Multi-sample, you must first establish the keyboard split num-
ber using F9 Max Wave. Then load the samples using F10 Load, which opens the page with the following functions:
F1 Dir: This shows the list of .WAV files stored in the Folder in use at the time.
F2 Load: This is used to load one or a number of. WAV files selected in RAM.
F5 Escape: This shows the initial page of the Sampler MSP menu.
F10 Select: Together with the VALUE +/- push buttons it is used to select one or a number of files to be loaded.
Once the single .WAV files have been loaded the SD1 enters the editing function. From here onwards there are no differences between the edit-
ing function of a Multi-sample that already exists and that to be created. The single samples of a Multi-sample are shown in the middle of the
display and are selected using the CURSOR +/- push buttons. By pressing the CURSOR + and CURSOR – push buttons together at the same time
only the sample selected at the time is played back ( Soloappears). By pressing the push buttons together at the same time again all the
samples will be played back. The editing function involves two pages that are called up using the PAGE +/- and push buttons. The following
parameters are available:
F1 Start: This indicates the lower note of the keyboard range for the sample currently selected. The parameter is modified using the
VALUE +/- push buttons or by playing the note on the keyboard.
F2 End: This indicates the higher note of the keyboard range for the sample currently selected. The parameter is modified using the
VALUE +/- push buttons or by playing the note on the keyboard.
F3 Volume: Once modified using the VALUE +/- push buttons, it indicates the Volume value for the sample currently selected.
F4 Remove: This erases the sample current selected from the RAM.
F5 Escape: The SD1 requests you to save the Multi-sample by entering the name using the keyboard keys and the CURSOR +/- push but-
tons. Use F10 Exec to save it on disk or F5 Escape to cancel the saving procedure and to return to the editing page.
F6 Pitch: This selects the type of tuning between Normal and Fixed, the latter does not alter the tuning along the keyboard and is
required to use loops. The choice is made by pressing push button F6.
F7 Key: Using the VALUE +/- push buttons or the key on the keyboard, this defines which is the original note of the sample to be kept
as reference for the transposition of the sample along the keyboard. It is enabled only if F6 Pitch is set on Normal.
F8 Fine: Using the VALUE +/- push button this is used to tune, to a cent, a sample with F6 Pitch set on Normal.
F9 Max Wave: This defines the keyboard split number foreseen for a Multi-sample. The parameter can be modified only if no samples have
been loaded yet. The values are selected by pressing the F9 repeatedly.
F10 Load: This is used to load new samples to use in the Multi-sample. The page that opens has already been explained at the begin-
ning of the section.
SD1 Owner’s Manual