Operation Manual

Using the keyboard velocity, you may control the volume of the single tracks of a Style. The page called up by
Dynamic Arranger allows you to set for each track the keyboard dynamics sensibility, thus modifying the volume of
the track. The higher the value, the more the track volume depends on velocity. The following parameters are avail-
F1 Drum: velocity sensibility for the Drum tracks
F2 Bass: velocity sensibility for the Bass track
F3 Chord 1: velocity sensibility for the Chord 1 track
F4 Chord 2: velocity sensibility for the Chord 2 track
F6 Chord 3: velocity sensibility for the Chord 3 track
F7 Chord 4: velocity sensibility for the Chord 4 track
F8 Chord 5: velocity sensibility for the Chord 5 track
F5 Escape: returns to the Arrange Mode page.
F10 Active/Inactive: pressing repeatedly the relevant push button activates and deactivates the Dynamic Arranger function.
If you wish to modify the sensibility value for the single tracks after having selected them with the relevant function
push button, use the VALUE +/- buttons.
F10 Rev. Lock: When this is activated, pressing the relevant function push button blocks the reverb in use for the Styles called up in
future, and also for any Midi files.
From the main page of the display press F5 Arrange View to gain access to the four pages that allow you to modify timbres, volumes, reverb,
effects and pan of each single track making up the Style. When the modification procedure has been terminated, the Style must be saved in a
Custom Style. For easier programming, you may set the Arrange View pages while the Style is playing. The tracks playing are highlighted by
a small blinking point. The single tracks of the automatic accompaniment, as well as Lower 1 and Lower 2, are assigned to the relevant func-
tion push buttons. Use the PAGE +/- buttons to call up the next pages.
From any of the four pages you may modify also the timbre assigned to a track for the Arrange A, B, C, D, Intro 1, 2, 3, Ending 1, 2, 3 sections.
Modification can affect both the currently selected Arranger section (Single mode) or all sections (Global mode).
The timbre can be selected while the Arranger is in Stop for the Arrange A, B, C and D sections, whereas for the Intros and Endings you need
to start the Arranger, call up the Intro or the Ending and then, once you have started the section, select the timbre you wish to modify.
Use the following procedure to change a timbre:
Select the Style you wish to modify and then press EXIT to go back to the main page of the display.
Gain access to Arrange View pressing the F5 ARRANGE VIEW button.
To modify an Arrange section, select it using the dedicated function push buttons. The Arranger can be either playing or in stop statues.
For the Intros and the Endings, selection can be carried out only with the Arranger playing.
To see which one of the melodic accompaniment tracks are to be modified, you may start the Arranger and observe with tracks have a small
blinking point.
To select the track whose timbre is to be modified, use the relevant function push buttons to the side of the display, the selected track beco-
mes black for about two seconds.
Within two seconds, you need to press one of the VOICES push buttons to call up the timbre families. From that moment on there will be no
time limits to find the timbre.
Select the timbre using the VOICES push buttons and, if required, the PAGE +/- buttons, further to the function push buttons.
Once the timbre has been selected, use the CURSOR +/- buttons to define if the modification has to refer to all the Arranger sections (Global
mode) or only to the one currently in use (Single mode). The Global/Single parameter can be shown on the bottom of the display or above
the box where the title of the Style in use is shown..
The timbre choice made in Global or in Single mode applies also to the two Lower parts and the Drum 1 track. In the latter case, after having
selected the Drum 1 track, the VOICES push buttons call up groups of preset Drum Sets, User Drum Sets and RAM Drum Sets. It is not possible
to modify the Drum Set of Drum 2 because this exploits a Live Drum and particular settings which would thwart the modification.
The Style modified as described above must be saved in a Custom Style if you do not want to lose the settings. Further details will be given later
on in this section.
Select the part pressing F4 Lower 1 or F5 Lower 2. On the display the present Arranger section and the transposition of the selected part is
displayed. Set the transposition with the CURSOR +/- push buttons within a few seconds; otherwise the Lower transposition parameter disap-
pears and the CURSOR +/- push buttons take over the function to transpose the complete Style.
Repeat the operation for the other Style sections.
SD1 Owner’s Manual