Operation Manual

For the lead tracks (Bass, Chord 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) the timbres of the GM bank can be used and of the USER VOICE bank for those you have creat-
ed yourself and of the RAM/FLASH bank for any samples loaded in RAM for the lead tracks. Timbres achieved using Drawbars cannot be used.
Select a lead track using the CURSOR +/- push buttons.
For the timbres in GM, select the timbre to be assigned using the VOICES push buttons. Use the PAGE +/- push buttons to call up the groups
of timbres and the function push buttons to select the sound.
For the User Voices, enable the USER VOICE, use the PAGE +/- push buttons and select the timbre using the relative function push button.
For the audio files loaded in RAM, enable the RAM/FLASH push button and use the function push buttons to select the relative sound.
The Drum 1 and 2 tracks are dedicated to the exclusive use of the Drum Sets and, only for Drum 2, also for the Live Drums derived from grooves
and for the sampled or imported loops (file .WAV).
For the Drum 1 track you can only select the pre-set Drum Sets and the User Drum Sets.
Select the Drum 1 track using the CURSOR +/- push buttons.
Enable the DRUM SET push button and, using the VOICES, PAGE +/-push buttons and function push buttons, assign the new Drum Set to the
Select the Drum 2 track using the CURSOR +/- push buttons.
To use a Drum Set enable DRUM SET. The pages from which the selection is made are no longer six but eleven. Once you exceed the sixth
group of Drum Sets, the Live Drums appear that are derived from the grooves from which that preferred is to be selected.
To assign a sampled loop to Drum 2, enable RAM/FLASH and then select a loop with the suitable characteristics that has been previously loaded
in the memory (see the appendix of the Manual).
F1 Section: Once F1 has been pressed using the VALUE +/- push buttons call up the Section to be recorded or reproduced. The order
order of appearance is: Arrange A, B, C, D, Fill In 1, 2, 3, 4, Intro 1, 2, 3, Ending 1, 2, 3, To End. Before starting the regis-
tration it is a good rule to always make sure that the Section on which you are working is really that desired to avoid
F2 Solo: When this function is enabled (), only the track selected at the time will be reproduced in Play mode.
F3 Tonality: This is used to establish which tonality the Section being recorded refers to, between Major, Minor, Seventh and com-
binations of the three. In this way you can create completely different arrangements because of the various combina-
tions of tonality. To simplify the recording phase it is also possible to record a section only in Major leaving it up to the
SD1 to extract the various versions of minor and seventh. To do this select M.m.7thfor Tonality and record the sec-
tion with an arrangement in Do major.
F4 Metronome: When enabled (), the SD1 will use a Stick sound to beat the tempo.
F5 Save: This is used to save the modifications permanently in hard disk.
F6 Value Quantize: In registration mode it may be handy to take the notes to a temporal grid, the value of which can be modified using the
VALUE +/-push buttons. The lack of Quantize is pointed out by Real”, whereas maximum Quantize has a value of 2.
The letter “Tindicates values arranged in triples.
F7 Quantize: While F6 Value Quantize works during registration, this function can be used to quantize the notes even after the reg-
istration. Having chosen the track, establish the Quantize value using F6 Value Quantize and then press F7 Quantize
to quantize the notes recorded.
SD1 Owner’s Manual