Operation Manual

Owner’s Manual SD1
The loop must be a monophonic .WAV file.
The .WAV file must have a Start and End point for the loop that must be in use. If the audio file is not provided with a loop, import it in Sampler
MSP, set the loop and save in hard disk.
The audio file must be loaded in the FLASH/RAM bank before it can be used in Pattern Edit.
The audio .WAV file can be assigned as timbre to Drum 2. Select Drum 2, enable FLASH/RAM and from the list of audio files in Flash/RAM select
the loop to be assigned to the track using the relative function push buttons.
The loop is valid only for the Section indicated at the time (F1). To use it on others Sections repeat the loop selection procedure for the Drum
2 track also for the other Sections that will exploit that loop.
Only one loop can be used for each Pattern, despite the assignment to the Section.
To minimise loading times, especially for the loop, it is advisable to create a RAM Style Block to be loaded when turning the instrument on. In
this way all the loops required for the Styles will also be loaded in one go and will be immediately ready for use in Single RAM Style without
having to re-assign the loop to the Sections.
From the Pattern Edit page, even if you are working on a Style, a new Style to be recorded can be created at any time using F10 New. You will
be requested to enter the name of the Style using the keyboard and the CURSOR +/- push buttons and then to confirm creation using F10 Save.
To cancel the procedure and to return to the Edit Pattern page press the F5 Escape function push button. Remember, if you were modifying a
Style before you started to create a new one, save the Style otherwise all the modifications added will be lost.