Operation Manual

The page called up by enabling Song Play bears various functions for controlling the Midi files. Below are the details:
F1 GM Part: This calls up a set of pages for modifying the parameters of the single tracks. Later on you will find a specific section with
all the explanations.
F2 Count: This has a double function. It displays the number of the beat as the Midi file reproduction continues. By pressing the rel-
ative function push button on the other hand it leads directly to the Effects page where the effects for the Midi file can be
set. This page is described in the Effects section. To return from Effect page to the Song Play page, press EXIT.
F3 Transpose: This leads to a page dedicated to the transposition options, exited using EXIT, with the following parameters:
Transposer: This is set in the middle of the display and points out the transposition value in semitones entered
using the CURSOR +/- push buttons (Transposer). This value can be applied to the Midi file, to just the keyboard, or
to both.
F1 Global: When set as On, the transposition value is applied to Midi files and keyboard.
F2 Keyboard: When set as On, the transposition value is applied only to the keyboard, without altering the Midi file.
F3 Song: When set as On, the transposition value is applied only to the Midi file, without altering the timbres
assigned to the keyboard.
F6 Intelligent Transposer: This applies a special transposition to the tracks of the Midi file so that the single tim-
bres are always played in their natural range and are re-lead within the original octave. The results are much more
musical than with the simple application of the transposition. It is enabled as default setting.
F7 Lead Channel: By selecting a parameter and using the VALUE +/- push buttons you can modify the MIDI chan-
nel of the Midi file that bears the main lead, which can be muted using the Lead Off function. The lead is usually
set on channel 4.
F10 Save To Disk: This is used to save the settings of the transposition for the tracks of the Midi file once and for
all by recording a new Midi file on disk that replaces the previous one. The procedure is done using Song Play in
stopped status. If the Midi file has an audio loop, the Save To Disk command modifies the intonation of the loop
without altering the velocity and the synchronization with the Tempo.
F4 Transposition Info: This is used to display the type of transposition applied between Global, Keyboard and Song. Its only function is that
of informing the user.
F5 Dir: This is used to display the list of Midi files stored in the Folder or in the disk in use and its function has already been
described in the sections on how to load a Midi file.
F6 Jukebox: The creation of chains of Midi files has already been illustrated in the dedicated section, to which you may refer. You will
find the explanations of the single parameters.
F7 Go Next: This indicates the next Midi file to be reproduced or loaded.
F8 Lead: If set as On the lead track will be reproduced. If pressed again the track of the Midi file indicated as Lead
Channel will be disabled.
F9 Chain: This appears after the * push button is pressed and is used to create chains.
F10 Lyric: If there are Lyrics events in the Midi file and if the function is set as On, the display shows the words set
in syllables. In this status, if F10 is pressed again, the function will be disabled.
F7 Video: This is used to control the optional video interface. Further details are provided in the Video Out and Karaoke section.
F8 Lead: This is used to quickly enable or disable the track of the lead established with Lead Channel in page F3 Transposer. Press
the function push button to switch On and Off. If the MIDI channel does not correspond to that of the lead, there is the risk
of disabling a different track such as that of the bass or of another instrument. The F8 Lead status is valid for all Midi files.
F9 Drum + Bass: When set as On, it disables all the tracks of the Midi file with the exception of those for the Drums and Bass.
F10 Lyric: The display choice applies to all Midi files. Its default setting is Off. Press the function push button F10 again if the Midi
SD1 Owner’s Manual