Operation Manual

MIDI Accordions
The VEGA can be managed by an Accordion connected via MIDI, thanks to the fact that the attribution of the MIDI channels to the single parts of
the keyboard, the bass transposition, the velocity and also the use of the bass voices can be controlled. The controls directly depend on the MIDI
implementation of the Accordion therefore, for very simple MIDI accordions some of the functions described hereafter may not be available.
The MIDI Out Output of the MIDI Accordion should be connected using a MIDI cable to the MIDI 2 In input (Keyboard) of the VEGA. Enable the
Accordion mode on the VEGA.
The parameters for the MIDI Accordion are accessed, from the main page of the display, by pressing F3 Utility and, from the first page of the
Utility menu, by pressing F1 Accord. A new page of dedicated parameters opens. When the Accordion is connected, the Accordion mode is
enabled by pressing F10, which from the disabled mode (denoted by Inactive), becomes enabled (denoted by Active). To disable the Accordion
mode, press the F10 push button again. The Accordion mode calls up a number of MIDI settings that can however be modified as desired.
The following parameters are available in the Utility Accordion menu:
F1 Chord Mode: This is used to select two different methods for acknowledging the chords. International is the most widely used sys-
tem; Belgique is to be used only to acknowledge Belgian chords. Press function push button F1 to switch from one
system to the other.
F2 Left Velo: This selects the velocity curve for the notes played manually using the chords of the Accordion. By pressing the F2
function push button repeatedly you can select the response curve. In the case of Fixed curve you can enter the fixed
velocity value applied to the notes played using the VALUE +/- push button.
F3 Right Vel: The same as for F2 Left Velo but dedicated to the notes played with the right hand, namely the lead.
F4 Left Drum: When set as On, it is used to play two percussion sounds of the Drum section of the VEGA with the bass voices of the
Accordion and two more voices with the Accordion chords. The two voices with relative velocity values can be select-
ed for chords and bass. Using the CURSOR +/- push buttons, go to the voice and then select it using the VALUE +/-
push buttons. Moving around again using the CURSOR +/- push buttons you can modify the velocity value using the
VALUE +/- push buttons. When a voice is to be completely excluded, set the velocity at 0.
Note: It is advisable to use the Left Drum function when the Arranger is not in use.
F5 Autochord: This excludes the acknowledgement of the chords leaving the Accordion player free to play the bass and the chords
manually, without any automation.
F6 Bas Sust: The value that can be modified using the VALUE +/- push buttons indicates the length of the Sustain on the manual
bass, when the MANUAL BASS push button is in use (LED lit).
F7 Bas To Ch: Set as On, it also includes the bass note in the acknowledgement of the chords, to create chords with varied bass using
the BASS TO LOWEST push button.
F8 Bas Octav: The value that can be modified using the VALUE +/- push buttons indicates the octave of the manual bass voice, with
the MANUAL BASS push button enabled.
F9 Lower Oct: For each voice assigned to Lower 1 and Lower 2, its octave can be modified using the VALUE +/- push buttons and
push button F9 to switch between the two parameters.
F10 Accordion Mode: This enables or disables the use of the parameters for the MIDI Accordion.
MIDI Accordions