Operation Manual

Drum Remix
To liven up or simply modify a song, all you have to do usually is change the rhythm structure of the drums or the percussion instruments,
which is always contemplated in the remix of famous songs and dance. When the user changes the drum track, he also often modifies the bal-
ance of the individual percussion instruments too, with a crescendo in the number of instruments that make up a rhythm track. The XD9 instru-
ment enables the realisation of similar results, utilising the percussion tracks of the Styles instead of that of the drums of a Midi file, enabling
the muting of single percussion groups of the rhythm track. When the Midi file is being played it is also possible to change the original style,
to activate three Fill’s and to pull-up one of the four Arrangers in real time!
To activate the Remix function, first pull-up the Midi file in Song Play (pls. see relative chapter) and then, again from the Song Play page, acti-
vate F9 Drum Remix, before playing the Midi file. “Style Select” will appear on the display to point out that this mode within the Drum Remix
function has been activated. At this stage select the remix mode by pressing the INTRO-END 1/REMIX SELECT button, which is used to toggle
between Song Select (the style buttons are used to enter the numbers to immediately pull-up a new Midifile other than that currently select-
ed) and Style Select (the style buttons are used to enter the number to pull-up a Style whose drum tracks are to be used to replace those with-
in the midifile). Once the desired Style has been selected, you can play the Midi file with the Remixed drums track by pressing PLAY. During
play back, you can always switch from the original track to the remixed one using the KEY START/SONG REMIX PLAY and KEY STOP/STYLE
REMIX PLAY buttons. If you wish to start the Midi file with the original track,(once the Remix function has been activated and the Style cho-
sen) select KEY START/SONG REMIX PLAY before you start playing. The volume of the rhythm tracks of the Style can be balanced relative to
the Midi file, using the VALUE/BALANCE buttons once you have selected Style Select using the INTRO-END 1/REMIX SELECT button. Vice
versa you can balance the volume of the Midi file, again using the VALUE/BALANCE buttons, when Song Select is selected with INTRO-END
1/REMIX SELECT. These modifications, together with the selection of the Style for Remix, can be saved by switching to F1 GM Part and then
by pressing SAVE/ENTER to activate the saving procedure of a new Song Set-up on the disc currently selected. To keep the Drum Remix func-
tion enabled when pulling-up the next Midi file, activate F8 Drum Remix On-Line in the Play Control menu in the second page.
function can be activated also from a certain measure onward.
Load the SONG and press
In front of
two numbers appear: the first indicates the
measure, the second indicates the END measure.
and use
to select the measure from which you wish the
to start.
. The
starts from the measure number selected.
Ketron has grouped percussion sounds in nine categories for each drum set that can be selected using function keys F1-F9, after having pressed
the INTRO-END 2/DRUM MIXER button. When a category is checked, the percussion instruments correlated to it will play, otherwise their vol-
umes will be muted (Mute function). The purpose of the Drum Mixer is that of being able to create new rhythm combinations simply by Muting
some percussion instruments, which proves especially useful in South American rhythms and in dance styles. Drum Mixer also works for the
sampled grooves, offering the most realistic effect and rhythmical versatility ever seen up to date.
Using F10 Drumset , you can modify the Drum Set used in the Style. The page pulled-up is used to select between six pages of Drumset, each
of which can be pulled-up using the function buttons. From this page, you can also play the Drum Set on the keyboard by activating F10 Manual
and by accessing the Edit page of the Drum Set using F9 Edit.
The INTRO-END 3/DRUM & BASS button has another function when in Song Play. It mutes the volume of all the tracks with the exception of
that of the drums and bass.
Drum Remix