Operation Manual

using the CURSOR +/- push buttons. The effect entity can be programmed using F3 Chorus/Distorsor/Delay.
FF11 VVoolluummee
: This modifies the volume of the whole track. The value can be changed using the VALUE +/- push buttons which, if pressed
together at the same time, reset the value.
FF22 RReevveerrbb
: This modifies the reverb of the complete part. You may vary the value using the VALUE +/- pushbuttons which, if pressed at
the same time, put the value to zero.
FF33 CChhoorruuss
This modifies the entity of the modulation effect chosen between Chorus, Distorsor and Delay assigned to the track using
the CURSOR +/- push buttons. The value can be changed using the VALUE +/- push buttons which, if pressed together at the
same time, reset the value. The display shows the type of effect chosen next to F3 and also below the timbre.
FF44 PPaannppoott
: This modifies the arrangement of the timbre on the stereo panorama. The value can be changed using the VALUE +/- push
buttons which, if pressed together at the same time, take the timbre back to the middle of the stereo panorama.
FF55 FFiilltteerr
This calls up the page where some MIDI events can be cut-out. It may occur for example, that the musician wishes to avoid
using the Modulation or some other MIDI parameter that directly affects the voice. The MIDI filters can also be used to bet-
ter control an external MIDI module. The page called up from F5 Filter shows a table of four rows and four columns relative
to the sixteen Parts. To be able to access the MIDI filter of a single Part use the F1 and F6 push buttons for Parts 1, 2, 3 and
4 that are to be selected by pressing the same push buttons repeatedly. Use push buttons F2 and F7 for Parts 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Use push buttons F3 and F8 for Parts 9, 10, 11 and 12 and push buttons F4 and F9 for Parts 13, 14, 15 and 16. Once the Part to
which the MIDI filter is to be applied has been found, select which MIDI message is to be cut-out from the reproduction using
the VALUE +/- push buttons and enable the filter using the F10 On/Off push button. The filter is enabled when “ON” appears
next the MIDI message to be filtered. The MIDI messages that can be filtered are the following:
Notes: all notes within the track
Control Change: all Control Changes within the track
Program Change: all Program Changes
After Touch: all After touch events
Pitch Bend: all Pitch Bend events
Volume: only Control Change 07 Volume
Pan: only Control Change 10 Pan
Reverb: only Control Change Reverb Send
Chorus: only Control Change Effect Send
Modulation Wheel: only Control Change 01 Modulation
Expression: only Control Change 11 Expression
RPN: only Control Change RPN
NRPN: only Control Change NRPN
To exit from F5 Filter press EXIT or F5 Escape that send to the main page of Song Play.
FF66 KKeeyy SShhiifftt::
This changes the transposition of the track selected by up to +/- 24 semitones. The value can be changed using the VALUE
+/- push buttons which, if pressed together at the same time, reset the value.
FF77 CChhaannnneell TTxx RRxx
: When push button F7 is pressed repeatedly, it switches from TX (that indicates the transmission MIDI channel of the select-
ed part) to RX (that establishes the MIDI receiving channel). The value can be changed using the VALUE +/- push buttons. If
no value is specified the track receives and transmits on the MIDI channel having the same number as the Part.
FF88 PPaarrtt MMooddee
: This modifies the operational mode of the track, using the VALUE +/- push buttons. The possible choices are:
Voice: track dedicated to the use of a voice
Drumset: track dedicated to the use of a Drumset
Drum2: track dedicated to the use of Live Drumsets