User Manual

Chapter 5: KGUARD Web Client
DVR Users Manual
Use KGUARD Web Client to remotely access the DVR anyme.
To access KGUARD Web Client you must ensure the following requirements are met:
The Network sengs of the DVR is properly congured. See “4.2 Seng the Network” on page 34.
Your computer has a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, installed.
5.1 Login
KGUARD Web Client allows up to 3 simultaneous access. However, only one administrator account is allowed per
1 Open your computer web browser and enter the DVR IP address or domain name in the URL box.
For example, see illustraon below:
Don’t know the IP Address of your DVR?
The IP address of the DVR vary depending on the network sengs you congured in NETWORK menu (see “4.2
Seng the Network” on page 34).
If your network type is DHCP, ask your network administrator for the IP address assigned to the DVR.
If your network type is PPPoE, ask your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for the IP address assigned to the DVR.
If your network type is Stac IP, check the IP address you congured for IP ADDR in NETWORK menu.
If the DVR is connected to a DDNS, check the Domain Name that you congured when you created the DDNS
account and type the domain name in the URL box.
2 Enter the User Name and Password.
The default administrator User Name is “admin” and the password is empty. To change the password, see
“Changing the Password” on page 50.
3 If necessary, select the type of network connecon in Network (Internet or LAN).
4 Click Login.
Chapter 5: KGUARD Web Client