User Manual

Chapter 5: KGUARD Web Client
DVR Users Manual
Advanced Sengs
The Advanced Sengs screen allows you to select the Internet connecon speed, select the local folder directory to
save downloads and modify the device ID of the DVR.
1 On the Main Menu, click SETUP.
2 On the le panel, click Seng > Advanced. The Advanced Sengs screen appears.
3 On Internet, select a connecon speed.
4 On Save Path, click the browse buon to select the local directory where you want to save all downloads.
5 On Device ID, enter a desired ID (numeric only) for your DVR.
The Device ID must be 6 digits in length.
6 To save, click Apply at the boom of the screen.
« TIP »
To revert to default sengs, click Default at the boom of the screen.
To cancel any modicaons or close the screen, click .