User Manual

Chapter 5: KGUARD Web Client
DVR Users Manual
5.5.7 Cloud Sengs
You can use the Cloud Set menu to setup a cloud storage account and receive snapshots from your DVR.
At present, your DVR supports the Dropbox cloud storage (Dropbox website: You must create a
Dropbox account as your cloud storage account before seng it up on your DVR.
Enabling Cloud Storage
1 On the Main Menu, click SETUP.
2 On the le panel, click CLOUD SET. The Cloud screen appears.
3 On Cloud Storage, select Enable.
4 On Interval, select the interval me between uploading snapshots to the cloud storage.
5 Enable Moon Detecon if you want the DVR to upload snapshots when moon is detected.
Moon Detecon must be congured rst in Alarm Sengs to use this feature (see “Moon Detecon Setup” on
page 68).
6 Check the channels (CH1 ~ CH8) to upload the channel snapshots.
7 Click Cloud E-MAIL SETUP (see below).
8 To save, click Apply at the boom of the screen.
Seng Up Cloud E-mail Account
1 On the Main Menu, click SETUP.
2 On the le panel, click CLOUD SET.
4 On Status, select Enable.
5 Modify the necessary sengs.