User Manual

Chapter 5: KGUARD Web Client
DVR Users Manual
Menu item Descripon
SSL SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is used to secure your email account. Set SSL to
Enable if the email server needs the SSL vericaon. Check with your email service
provider for the applicable seng.
Recv Email Enter your e-mail address to receive the e-mail setup conrmaon and the cloud storage
acvaon link.
SMTP Port Enter the SMTP port of your email account.
Obtain this informaon from your email service provider.
Enter the SMTP server of your email account.
Obtain this informaon from your email service provider.
Send Email Enter your email account.
Enter your email account password.
5 Aer all sengs are complete, click Apply at the boom of the screen.
« TIP »
To return to the previous screen, click CLOUD SETUP at the boom of the screen.
To cancel any modicaons or close the screen, click .
Aer seng up the cloud e-mail account, you sll have to acvate the account to use this feature. Acvaon must be
done through the DVR OSD menu (see “4.5.3 Acvate Cloud Storage” on page 47).