User's Guide

Exclusions, Limitations, and Disclaimers
KHN Solutions makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the ability of this
product to determine whether, or the extent to which, a test subject’s mental or
physical functioning, or judgment, may be impaired by blood alcohol including
whether the test subject is intoxicated under any definition of that word. KHN
Solutions expressly disclaims any liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special,
or consequential damages of any nature under any legal theory. Any act or
failure to act based on a reading from this product shall be at the test subject’s
or user’s own risk. KHN Solutions assumes no responsibility for consequences
to or of test subjects who use this product and later are shown to have been
under the influence of alcohol or to have had their judgment or any mental
or bodily function impaired by alcohol. Correlation between breath alcohol
content and blood alcohol concentration depends on many variables, including
environmental factors (such as air quality, wind, humidity, temperature, etc.)
and health conditions of the test subject. A low BAC reading does not mean
that the test subject’s physical or mental performance or judgment (including