
Safety features of your vehicle
Rear seat adjustment
Seatback angle (2nd row seat)
To recline the seatback:
1. Pull up the seatback recline lever.
2. Hold the lever and adjust the seatback
of the seat to the position you desire.
3. Release the lever and make sure the
seatback is locked in place. (The lever
MUST return to its original position for
the seatback to lock.)
Folding the rear seat
The rear seatbacks can be folded to facil-
itate carrying long items or to increase
the luggage capacity of the vehicle.
The purpose of the fold-down rear
seatbacks is to allow you to carry
longer objects that could not be
accommodated in the cargo area.
Never allow passengers sit on top
of the folded down seatback while
the vehicle is moving. This is not a
proper seating position and no seat
belts are available for use.
Ignoring this warning could result
in serious injury or death in case of
an accident or sudden stop.
Objects carried on the folded down
seatback should not extend higher
than the top of the front seatbacks.
Doing this could allow cargo to
slide forward and cause injury or
damage during sudden stops.
For proper operation of the
Occupant Detection System (ODS):
Do not place any items cumula-
tively weighing over 1 kg (2.2 lbs)
in the seatback pocket or on the
Do not hang onto the front pas-
senger seat.
XM CAN (ENG) 3.QXP 11/26/2009 11:39 AM Page 11