
Driving your vehicle
The Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
system is an electronic system designed
to help the driver maintain vehicle control
under adverse conditions. It is not a
substitute for safe driving practices.
Factors including speed, road conditions
and driver steering input can all affect
whether ESC will be effective in
preventing a loss of control. It is still your
responsibility to drive and corner at
reasonable speeds and to leave a
sufficient margin of safety.
When you apply your brakes under con-
ditions which may lock the wheels, you
may hear a “tik-tik’ sound from the
brakes, or feel a corresponding sensation
in the brake pedal. This is normal and it
means your ESC is active.
A click sound may be heard in the
engine compartment when the vehicle
begins to move after the engine is start-
ed. These conditions are normal and
indicate that the Electronic Stability
Control System is functioning properly.
ESC operation
ESC ON condition
When the ignition is turned ON, ESC
and ESC OFF indicator lights illuminate
for approximately 3 seconds, then ESC
is turned on.
Press the ESC OFF button for at least
half a second after turning the ignition
ON to turn ESC off. (ESC OFF indica-
tor will illuminate). To turn the ESC on,
press the ESC OFF button (ESC OFF
indicator light will go off).
When starting the engine, you may
hear a slight ticking sound. This is the
ESC performing an automatic system
self-check and does not indicate a
When operating
When the ESC is in operation,
ESC indicator light blinks.
When the Electronic Stability
Control is operating properly,
you can feel a slight pulsation
in the vehicle. This is only the
effect of brake control and
indicates nothing unusual.
When moving out of the mud
or slippery road, pressing the
accelerator pedal may not
cause the engine rpm (revo-
lutions per minute) to
XM CAN (ENG) 5.qxp 11/26/2009 12:02 PM Page 33