
Safety features of your vehicle
Securing a child restraint seat with
tether anchor system
Child restraint hook holders are located
on the back of the rear seatbacks.
1. Route the child restraint seat strap
over the seatback.
For vehicles with adjustable head-
rests, route the tether strap under the
headrest and between the headrest
posts, otherwise route the tether strap
over the top of the seatback.
2. Connect the tether strap hook to the
appropriate child restraint hook holder
and tighten to secure the child restraint
WARNING - Tether strap
Never mount more than one child
restraint to a single tether or to a
single lower anchorage point. The
increased load caused by multiple
seats may cause the tethers or
anchorage points to break, causing
serious injury or death.
A child can be seriously injured or
killed in a collision if the child
restraint is not properly anchored
to the car and the child is not prop-
erly restrained in the child restraint.
Always follow the child seat manu-
facturer’s instructions for installa-
tion and use.
OXM039033 OXM039034N
XM CAN (ENG) 3.QXP 11/26/2009 11:41 AM Page 36