
Keys / 4-2
Remote keyless entry / 4-6
Smart key / 4-9
Theft-alarm system / 4-13
Door locks / 4-15
Tailgate / 4-19
Windows / 4-21
Hood / 4-25
Fuel filler lid / 4-27
Panoramic Sunroof / 4-30
Steering wheel / 4-34
Mirrors / 4-36
Instrument cluster / 4-44
Rear parking assist system / 4-59
Rearview camera / 4-62
Hazard warning flasher / 4-62
Lighting / 4-63
Wipers and washers / 4-68
Interior lights / 4-71
Defroster / 4-73
Manual climate control system / 4-74
Automatic climate control system / 4-83
Windshield defrosting and defogging / 4-91
Storage compartments / 4-94
Interior features / 4-96
Exterior feature / 4-101
Audio system / 4-102
Features of your vehicle
XM CAN (ENG) 4(~101).QXP 4/14/2010 10:37 AM Page 1