
Features of your vehicle
The keyless entry system trans-
mitter is designed to give you
years of trouble-free use, howev-
er it can malfunction if exposed to
moisture or static electricity. If
you are unsure how to use your
transmitter or replace the battery,
contact an authorized KIA dealer.
Using the wrong battery can
cause the transmitter to malfunc-
tion. Be sure to use the correct
To avoid damaging the transmit-
ter, don't drop it, get it wet, or
expose it to heat or sunlight.
An inappropriately disposed bat-
tery can be harmful to the environ-
ment and human health.
Dispose the battery according to
your local laws or regulations.
XM CAN (ENG) 4(~101).QXP 4/14/2010 10:37 AM Page 8