GHS Pictograms:
Product Nam e : KILZ® Odorless
Product Code: 1004
SDS Ma nufacture r Num ber: 1004
Manufa cture r Nam e : Maste rche m Industrie s LLC
Addre ss: 3135 O ld Highway M
Im peria l, MO 63052-2834
Ge ne ral Phone Num b e r: (636) 942-2510
Ge ne ral Fa x Num be r: (636) 942-3663
Custo m e r Se rvice P hone
Num b e r:
(800) 325-3552
CHEMT R EC: For e m e rgencies in the US, ca ll CHEMTR EC: 800-424-9300
Canute c: In Ca nada, call CANUT EC: (613) 996-6666 (call co llect)
SDS Creation Da te: June 26, 2006
SDS Revisio n Da te : April 30, 2015
(M)SDS Fo rm a t:
Signa l W o rd: Warning.
GHS C la ss: Flam m able Liquid, Ca te gory 3.
Aspiration Ha zard, Cate gory 1.
Eye Irritant, C a te gory 2.
Sk in Irritant, C a tegory 2.
Specific Ta rget Orga n Tox icity, Single Exp o sure , Cate gory 3.
Acute Inha lation Toxicity, C a tegory 4
Hazard Sta te m e nts: Flam m able liquid and vapor
May be fata l if swa llowe d a nd enters airwa ys.
Cause s se rio us eye irritation.
Harm ful if inha le d.
May cause respirato ry irrita tio n, drowsiness or dizzine ss .
Preca utionary State m e nts: DO NOT use this prod uct unless you can a chie ve cross-ventila tio n by opening windows a nd doors during
application a nd drying o r use the product outdoors.
Do not spray o n an ope n fla m e or other ignitio n source.
Extinguish a ll fla m e s a nd pilot lig hts and turn off s to ve s, heate rs, electric m o to rs, high inte nsity lights
and o the r s o urces o f ignition during use a nd until a ll va p o rs are gone .
In case of fire: Use dry che m ica l, carbo n dio x id e to ex tinguish s m a ll fires. Use water for la rge fires.
We a r protective clothing, glove s, e ye , and fa ce prote ctio n.
Do not brea the vapors o r spray m ist.
Do not e at, drink o r sm o k e whe n using this prod uct.
Wash ha nds tho ro ughly a fter ha ndling.
Take o ff conta m inate d clo thing and wash it be fo re re use.
Kee p containe r tightly clo s e d.
Sto re locke d up in a cool, we ll-ve ntila ted pla ce .
Dispo s e of unus e d contents, conta iner, a nd othe r co nta m ina te d wa stes in a ccorda nce with local, sta te,
federal, a nd provincial regulations.
If in eyes: Rinse cautio usly with wa te r fo r seve ral m inute s a nd rem ove co nta cts if present a nd easy to
do . Continue rinsing and ge t m e d ical atte ntion if e ye irrita tio n persists.
If on skin or hair: W a sh with ple nty of soap a nd wate r. If s k in irritation or rash occurs, ge t m e dica l
atte ntio n.
If inhaled: Le a ve the a rea if you e x perie nce he a d a ches, drowsine ss o r dizzine ss to obtain fresh a ir and
ke e p a t rest in a position co m fo rta b le fo r breathing. If difficulty continues, ge t m e dica l a tte ntion
im m e diate ly.
If swallowed: Do no t induce vo m iting and get m e dical attentio n im m edia tely.
Emerge ncy O ve rvie w: DANGER! Flam m able . Harm ful if swallo we d. Aspiration m a y o ccur during swa llowing o r vom iting,
resulting in lung dam age. Ha rm ful if inha le d . Inha lation of va po rs m a y cause drowsine ss and
dizziness. Irrita nt.
Route of Exposure : Eyes. Sk in. Inha la tio n. Inge stion.
Potentia l He alth Effe cts:
Eye: Cause s se vere e ye irritation and possible injury.
Sk in: Cause s sk in irrita tio n.
Inha la tio n: Harm ful if inha le d. Inha la tio n o f vapors m a y cause drowsiness and dizziness. Prolonge d o r e x cessive
inha la tio n m a y caus e res pira to ry tract irrita tio n.
Inge stio n: Harm ful if swallo wed. Ingestio n can cause nause a, vo m iting, diarrhe a a nd gastrointe stinal irrita tio n.
Aspiration of petrole um d istillate s into the lungs can ca use seve re che m ical pne um onitis that ca n be
fata l.
Chronic He alth Effe cts: Prolonge d o r re pea te d conta ct can res ult in defa tting a nd drying of the skin, which m a y result in skin
irrita tion a nd de rm atitis (rash).
Repeate d o r prolonge d inha la tio n m a y cause toxic e ffe cts .
Product: KILZ® Odorless | Manufacturer: Masterchem Industries LLC | Revison:4/30/2015, Version:0
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