Installation Guide

Smoked Butterflied Shrimp
Ingredients: Shrimp, 16-20 to the pound
King Kooker Cajun Seasoning
1 - Lemon
1 - Lime
Prepare your shrimp for cooking by thawing, if frozen, and removing the heads. Cut the shrimp
down the back and butterfly. Remove the vein, leaving the shells on. Sprinkle generously with King
Kooker Cajun Seasoning. Arrange individually on the rack of the smoker. Squeeze lemon and lime
over shrimp before placing into the smoker. Cook for the time recommended in the Smoking
Chart on page 16. When the planned cooking time has passed, remove the rack from the smoker.
Check for doneness by making sure they are a pink color and that shells are separating from the
Smoked Baked Potatoes
Ingredients: Potatoes, Sweet or Russet
(7 potatoes will fit on the Potato Baking Accessory Rack sold separately for use
with this smoker.)
Cooking Oil
Scrub the potatoes to prepare for cooking. Puncture with the tines of a fork at various points
around the potato. Rub each potato with cooking oil. Place upright on the points of a potato rack,
or arrange by laying flat on a smoker rack. Cook for approximately 1 1/2 hours at 300˚F (149 ˚C).
Remove from the smoker when the cooking time has passed. Check for doneness by sticking with
a fork to make sure the potato is soft enough to puncture with minimal pressure. Split and serve
with butter and sprinkle with your choice of toppings.
Smoked Corn on the Cob
Ingredients: Corn on the Cob, Frozen or Fresh, with Husk and Silk Removed, and Rinsed
King Kooker Cajun Seasoning
Melt butter in a dish. Brush each ear of corn with a basting brush and sprinkle with King Kooker
Cajun Seasoning. Wrap each ear individually with aluminum foil. Arrange on the smoker rack and
bake at 300 ˚F (149 ˚C) . Plan to cook the fresh corn for 1 1/2 hours and frozen for 1 hour. When
cooking time has passed, remove the rack from the smoker and cool the corn before serving.