User's Manual

SP70 User Manual 15-5
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n Library screen menu
Item Description
Queue Up Adds the selected item to the end of the current (Now Playing) playlist.
Delete from Library Deletes the selected item from the library.
Update Library Adds new items to the library by searching your device or storage card.
Open File Lets you find and play files that are stored on your device or storage card
but that are not in the library.
Properties Displays information about the selected file.
The library contains links to your audio files, video files, and playlists. As in the desktop Player, you will
be allowed to sort your content by criteria such as artist name, album title, genre, or actor.
Unlike the desktop Player, the Pocket PC Phone Player can have multiple libraries. Each library represents
an available storage location. For example, if you store some content in the internal storage location on the
device (known as random access memory or RAM), the My Device library will contain links to those files.
If you also store content on removable storage cards, you will have additional libraries for each of those
On the Library screen, you can switch between the My Device library and any other libraries that are
available to your device.
By default, Windows Media Player automatically searches the internal storage location of your device for
compatible digital media files. If it finds any, they will be added to the My Device library.
Similarly, when you insert a removable storage card into your device, Windows Media Player automatically
searches it for content and adds it to a Storage Card library.
If the Player does not detect new files that you copy to your device, you can manually update the library by
using the Update Library command.
Updating a Library
In most cases, Windows Media Player automatically updates your libraries as necessary. However, you can
manually update a library to ensure that it has links to any new files that you might have recently copied to
your Pocket PC Phone or a removable storage card.
1. Tap
> Windows Media.
2. If you are not already on the Library screen, tap
Menu >
3. On the Library screen, tap the Library arrow (near the top of
the screen), and then tap the library that you want to update (for
example, Storage Card).
4. Tap
Menu > Update Library.
5. Tap
Search, wait for the files to be added, and then tap Done.