Technical Specs

Update lock
Via Remote Card Authorisation, it is possible to update some lock
settings by using the Master Card to transfer new commands to the lock.
Settings that can be altered include:
Set Private Use
Set Public Use
Set Dual Card Authorisation (Private Use Only)
Set Locked Indication
Set Unlock at X Time
Set Unlock after X Hours
Process for transferring commands to a lock:
1. Sign into Portal - navigate to Remote Card Authorisation > Lock
2. Select the Lock Group
3. Select the command(s) that you wish to amend and configure
any required parameters
4. Click Save & Commit
5. Open your Codelocks Card Manager Client software (on your
PC), place the Master User Card on the USB card reader
6. From the list of available actions, select the "Set Commands"
7. In the CCMC software, click "Apply" - once the information has
been written to the card, a confirmation message will be
8. Touch the Master Card to each lock in turn - settings will
automatically be applied to the lock.