
Basic White Bread
Cinnamon Bread
Prepare dough, divide, and roll out each half to a
rectangle, as directed on page 56. Mix together
2 cup sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon in small
bowl. Spread each rectangle with 1 tablespoon
softened butter or margarine. Sprinkle with half of
sugar mixture. Finish rolling and shaping loaves.
Place in well-greased 8
2-inch baking pans.
Cover. Let rise in warm place, free from draft, about
1 hour, or until doubled in bulk. If desired, brush
tops with beaten egg white. Bake at 375°F for
40 to 45 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
from pans immediately and cool on wire racks.
Yield: 32 servings (16 slices per loaf).
Per serving: About 111 cal, 3 g pro, 21 g carb,
2 g fat, 0 mg chol, 152 mg sod.
Sixty-Minute Rolls
Increase yeast to 3 packages and sugar to
4 cup.
Mix and knead dough as directed for Basic White
Bread on page 57. Place in greased bowl, turning
to grease top. Cover. Let rise in warm place, free
from draft, about 15 minutes. Turn dough onto
lightly floured surface. Shape as desired (see
following suggestions). Cover. Let rise in slightly
warm oven (90°F) about 15 minutes. Bake at 425°F
for 12 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove
from pans immediately and cool on wire racks.
Curlicues: Divide dough in half and roll each half
to 12x9-inch rectangle. Cut 12 equal strips about
1 inch wide. Roll each strip tightly to form a coil,
tucking ends underneath. Place on greased baking
sheets about 2 inches apart.
Cloverleafs: Divide dough into 24 equal pieces.
Form each piece into a ball and place in greased
muffin pan. With scissors, cut each ball in half, then
Yield: 24 servings (1 roll per serving).
Per serving: About 130 cal, 4 g pro, 25 g carb,
2 g fat, 0 mg chol, 198 mg sod.