
Installthe !id;a!igning the _.bsand
!ocking it int0 p!acel
Slightly rotate the disc until it drOPS
into place.
Finger grip Finger grip
To remave Slidng disC' remove lidand
usingthe2 fingergfiPSl!iftthedisc
NOTE: This lever only works with the
adjustable slicing disc. Changing thickness
settings with other discs or blades installed
will have no effect on operation.
In addition to the position of the lever, it
is possible to change the thickness of your
slices by changing pressure on the food
item when guiding it into the feed tube.
Use more pressure for a thicker slice, or
use less pressure for a thinner slice.
Move Jeverto select desired thickness[
IMPORTANT." Discs and adapters must be removed before removing bowls.