user manual

Your safely and )he safely of others is very impodan).
We have provided many important safety messages in this manua( and on your appliance. Always read and
obey a(( safety messages.
This is the safety alert symbol.
This symbo( alerts you to hazards that can ki(( or hurt you and others.
Aii safety messages wii( be preceded by the safety alert symbol and the word "DANGER" or
"WARNING." These words mean:
You will be killed or serious(y injured if you don't
foliow instructions.
You can be kii(ed or seriously injured if you don't
follow instructions.
Ai( safety messages wiii identify the hazard, tel( you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tel( you what can
happen if the instructionsare not followed.
I WARNING: if the information in this manua( is not fo((owed e×act(y, a fire or I
e×p(osion may resu(t causing property damage, persona( injury or death.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance.
o Do not try to might any app(iance.
Do not touch any e(ectrica( switch.
, Do not use any phone in your bui(ding.
mmmediatemy ca([ your gas suppmier from a neighbor's phone. Fommowthe gas
suppmier's instructions.
mfyou cannot reach your gas suppmier, ca([ the fire department.
- (nstaHation and service must be performed by a qua(ified installer, service agency
or the gas supp(ier.
continued on next page