Installation guide

3 froe_ screws
bat eat shown)
E Attach the backguard or island trim
as required for your installation,
Attachment screws are in the literature
Slide range completely back so
anti-tip bracket is over rear brace of
usa pUpa-jaUnt
m Make gas connection. Assemble
flexible connector from gas supply pipe to
pressure regulator located in the middle
front of the range. Apply pipe=joint
compound made for use with LR gas to
the smaller thread ends of the flexible
connector adapters. Attach one adapter
to the pressure regulator elbow and the
other adapter to the gas shutoff valve.
Tighten both adapters.
m Open manual shutoff valve in
gas supply line. Wait a few minutes for
gas to move through the line,
m Use a brush and liquid
detergent to test all gas connections.
Bubbles around connections will indicate
a leak. If a leak appears, shut off gas
valve controls and tighten connections.
Then check connections again. Never
test for gas leaks with a match or
other flame. Clean all detergent from
m Remove cooktop burner caps,
grates, and simmer plate from the parts
package. Align the indentation in the
burner cap with the pins on the burner
base. Burner caps should be level when
properly positioned.
5 m Turn on power supply. "PF"
should appear in the clock display. (Refer
to your Use and Care Guide for
instructions on using the electronic
m Check
operation of cooktop
burners. Push in and
turn each control knob to
the "LITE" position. The
flame should light within
4 seconds. The first time a burner is
lighted it may take longer than 4 seconds
to light because of air in the gas line.
7E If burners do not light properly,
turn cooktop control knob to the "OFF"
position. Check that power supply conduit
is properly wired and that circuit breaker
or fuse has not blown. Check that gas
shutoff valves are set to the "OPEN"
position. Repeat Step 16. If a burner still
does not light, contact your KitchenAid
dealer or designated service company.
8m Adjust height of top burner
flames. The cooktop LOW burner flame
should be a steady blue flame
approximately 1/4" (0.64 cm) high. it can
be adjusted using the adjustment screw
in the center of the valve stem. The valve
stem is located directly underneath the
control knob. tf the LOW flame needs to
be adjusted:
a. Remove the control knob.
b. Hold control
knob stem centralkneh
with a pair of stem
pliers. Use a
small flat=head
screwdriver to
turn screw
located in the
center of control knob stem until
flame is the proper size,
c. Replace control knob.
d. Test the flame by turning the control
from "LO" to "HI", checking flame at
each setting.
GaS C88VerSJ885
Gas conversions (from Natural gas to
LP. gas or from L,Po gas to Natural
gas) must be done by a quatified
LP. gas conversion
No attempt shall be made to convert
the range from the gas specified on
the model/seNai rating p/ate for use
with a different gas without consulting
the servicing gas suppHero An LP, Gas
Conversion Kit is included in your
Hterature package,