Installation Instructions

Tools and Parts
Gather the recommended tools and parts before starting
installation. Read and follow the instructions provided with any
tools listed here.
All Installations
Tools Needed:
Other Useful Items You May Need:
Parts Supplied:
Make sure all these parts are included in the literature package.
If parts are not included, call 1-800-422-1230. In Canada, call
Other Parts Needed: (not provided)
Optional Accessory Parts Available:
First-time Installations:
Check local codes. Check existing electrical supply. See the
“Electrical Requirements” section. It is recommended that
electrical connections be made by a licensed electrical installer.
Additional Tools Needed:
Additional Parts Needed (not provided)
NOTE: If using a flexible braided hose, replace inlet hose after
5 years to reduce the risk of hose failure. Record hose installation
or replacement dates on the hose for future reference.
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