Instruction for Use

In case of an error when setting the power, the symbol appears in the middle and an acoustic signal
sounds for about 5 seconds. In this case repeat the configuration procedure from the beginning. If the error
occurs again, contact the After-Sales Service.
During normal use, if the user tries to increase the maximum available power level when reached, the level
of the zone in use flashes twice and an acoustic signal sounds.
To obtain a higher power in that zone, it is necessary to manually decrease the power level of one or more
already active cooking zones.
Flexible zone
This function can be used to combine two zones and manage them as one single cooking zone. It is perfect
for oval, rectangular and elongated pans (with maximum base dimensions of 40x23 cm). After swiching on
the hob, press the key : level “0” is shown on the displays of the two cooking zones; both luminous
dots next to the level number are lit, indicating selection of a single zone. To change the power level, move
your finger along the slide touchscreen: the number inside the circle increases/decreases as your finger
slides up/down the tuchscreen, ranging from a min. setting of 1 to a max. of 9. To deactivate the flexible
zone function, press the key: the zones revert to functioning singly. To swetch the cooking zone off, press
The booster power level and SENSOR function cannot be used on the same zone when the flexible zone
function is in use. If the timer is set, it will be displayed alongside the hotplate display at the top.
Instructions for use
Step Control panel Display
+ Press for approximately 3 seconds
2 Press the Power Management button to confirm
the previous step
The display shows
-/+ Press to set the chosen level amongst
the different options available
The light comes on together with the in-use
lights for the individual cooking zones
4 Press the Power Management button to confirm
the previous step
The display shows the set level which
flashes for approximately 2 seconds; after
which the hob emits an acoustic signal
and then turns itself off; it is now ready
for use.