Instruction for Use

Recipe Function Pre-
Accessories and notes*
IEC 60350-1:2011-12 § 7.5.2
YES 3 170 15 – 30 Baking tray
- 1 – 4 150 30 – 45
Shelf 4: baking tray
Shelf 1: baking tray
IEC 60350-1:2011-12 § 7.5.3
Small cakes
YES 3 170 20 – 30 Baking tray
- 1 – 4 160 25 – 35
Shelf 4: baking tray
Shelf 1: baking tray
- 1 - 3 - 5 160 35 – 45
Shelf 5: oven tray on wire shelf /
baking tray
Shelf 3: baking tray
Shelf 1: baking tray
IEC 60350-1:2011-12 Section 7.6.1
Fat-free sponge cake
YES 2 170 30 – 40 Cake tin on wire shelf
1 – 4 175 75 – 95
Shelf 4: cake tin on wire shelf
Shelf 1: cake tin on wire shelf
IEC 60350-1:2011-12 Section 7.6.2
2 apple pies
- 2/3 185 70 – 90 Cake tin on wire shelf
- 1 – 4 175 75 – 95
Shelf 4: cake tin on wire shelf
Shelf 1: cake tin on wire shelf
IEC 60350-1:2011-12 § 9.2
- 5 High 3 – 6 Wire shelf
IEC 60350-1:2011-12 § 9.3
- 5 High 18 – 30
Shelf 5: wire shelf (turn food
halfway through cooking)
Shelf 4: baking tray with water
DIN 3360-12:07 §
Apple cake, yeast tray
bake, German apple
- 3 180 35 – 45 Baking tray
- 1 – 4 160 55 – 65
Shelf 4: baking tray
Shelf 1: baking tray
DIN 3360-12:07 § 6.6
Roast pork
- 2 190
150 –
Shelf 2: baking tray
DIN 3360-12:07 annex C
Flat cake
YES 3 170 40 – 50 Baking tray
- 1 – 4 160 45 – 55
Shelf 4: baking tray
Shelf 1: baking tray
Table of tested recipes
(in compliance with IEC 60350-1:2011-12 and DIN 3360-12:07:07)