User's Manual

System Setup KLA-Tencor Confidential 2-3
Charging the Equipment Before Use:
Place the EtchTemp Wafer into the carrier station shipped with the unit to maintain the
charge on the internal batteries. Please see Using the Charge and Communication
Carrier Station for more information on inserting and removing the wafer to and from the
carrier stations.
Plug the laptop into the AC power supply and fully charge the laptop battery.
Setting up the Software
The EtchTemp Wafer system normally includes a SensArray qualified laptop computer that
has been prepared with all needed software to setup, run, and retrieve data from the
EtchTemp Wafer. Note that, EtchTemp wafer will only work with SensArray Tool 2.1 and
Preparing Equipment for the Cleanroom
Cleaning the Equipment:
When installing a computer and an EtchTemp Wafer system in the Cleanroom, follow
industry standards, including wiping down the computer and the exterior of the carrier
station with Cleanroom wipes dampened with de-ionized (DI) water and/or isopropyl alcohol.
Wipe down the EtchTemp Wafer itself.
Cleaning the EtchTemp Wafer:
Significant efforts are made to keep wafers clean during the manufacturing process. Due to
the nature of some processes and demands by customers for cleaner wafers, the EtchTemp
wafer is now offered as a cleaned product. It has gone through a SC1 and SC2 cleaning
process to remove metals and organics. The cleaned wafer is packaged in the clean single
polycarbonate storage case until it can be used.
Despite our best efforts, the EtchTemp Wafer may pick up contaminants from repeated
handling. The ideal method of cleaning surface contaminants from the wafer is to blow a
gentle stream of CDA or inert nitrogen across the surface. However, some forms of surface
contamination cannot be removed this easily.
The wafer can be cleaned with IPA or DI water and a cleanroom cloth. Due to the design
nature of the EtchTemp Wafer, scratches in the coating on the backside of the wafer may
exist. This has not been shown to cause degradation in the performance of the wafer.
A gentle stream of DI water or IPA may be used to loosen surface contamination, and then
use CDA or inert nitrogen to blow the surface dry.
Never place the wafer in an ultrasonic cleaning bath. The vibration set up by the ultrasonics
may damage the electronics inside and render the wafer inoperable.
NOTE: After a period of usage under etch environment, there will be a deposited polymer
ring at the bottom surface of the wafer, this may cause the chucking problem or
temperature range is not in specification. Please refer to application note for the cleaning
details for this polymer ring.
86-3820 Version-1.0 EtchTemp Wafer User Manual