User's Manual

2009 by KLA-Tencor. All rights reserved worldwide. No parts of this
publication may be reproduced, modified, transmitted, transcribed, stored in
retrieval systems, or translated into any human or computer language, in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, chemical, manual, or
otherwise, without the express written permission of KLA-TENCOR, One
Technology Drive, Milpitas, California 95035. KLA-TENCOR may revise this
document at any time without notice.
UM-INT- 2007.04
This manual applies to EtchTemp Wafer
EtchTemp Wafers are trademarks of KLA Tencor SensArray.
KLA-Tencor reserves the right to modify, change, or improve any or
all specifications published in this document without notice.
86-3820 Version-1.0 KLA-Tencor Confidential II